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Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday and Wednesday. Everyone is invited and welcome to receive communion.



        (Sept 8, 2024 - May 25, 2025)
       Sanctuary Worship - 9:00am
       Celebration Hall Worship - 10:30am 
Celebration Hall Worship - 6:00pm

What is worship?

Worship gathers us as one body, invites us to hear God's Word, leads us to experience God's grace in baptism and communion, and then sends us out to engage and serve the world.


Why do we worship?

There are many ways people understand what worship is and why we do it. One thought is that worship is simply going to church: singing songs and hymns, saying and hearing prayers, the reading of scripture, a sermon, perhaps baptism and communion. Another thought is that all of what we do and who we are is worship. Both of these are true, and yet, worship is much more than either of them. Worship happens when we gather as a church for worship services and also as we live our lives in the world in which God has placed us.





Sanctuary worship services are held weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. Our liturgical worship settings are from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal. Our Senior Choir, under the direction of Jack Boyer, provides inspirational music during our Sanctuary worship every other week until further notice.



Celebration Hall worship services are provided each Sunday at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. In addition, a Wednesday evening service is offered throughout the year at 6:00 pm. Holy Communion is celebrated at every worship service. Our worship team, "Higher Ground," provides leadership in Celebration Hall worship under the direction of Roxanne Gessler.



Throughout the church year Sharon offers the opportunity to worship at other times or spaces. During Lent, Wednesday midweek services at 5:15p.m. (fellowship soup meal from 5:15pm-6:30pm) offer a place to spend time with God in a worship that may include prayer and song or perhaps drama. In the summer months, we offer outdoor worship services in our church parking lot or green spaces. This is a wonderful way to enjoy a worship service in an outdoor setting.




“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42)

Several times through the year, we offer Wednesday evening Dinner Church or Sunday morning Breakfast Church. Something sacred happens at these services as we continue the early church tradition of bringing multiple generations together to break bread, give thanks to God, and share what we have with others. Dinner Church and Breakfast Church are also a practical opportunity to get to know the Sharon church family. Worship contains many of the traditional aspects we are used to, as well as opportunities for conversation. All are welcome as we gather to be fed both physically and spiritually. 



Our congregation is with your family in all seasons of life - from birth to death. To make arrangements for a funeral or memorial service to be held at Sharon, please both reach out to a funeral home and contact a pastor at the church office 




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1720 S. 20th Street

Grand Forks, ND  58201


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